Property Management 101 – Rent Payments
How would you feel if I told you it’s common for tenants to be charged to pay rent? Well, it’s a reality. There are many third-party payment systems out there offering great incentives to real estate businesses with little benefit to the tenant.
As a Landlord you want to be assured that your tenants are paying rent. It’s critical to you and your investment and it’s expected that the process will be made easy. At Flyte Property Management Solutions that is exactly what we do. We offer multiple payment methods and they are all free. No hidden costs or catches to deter your tenant. Making the process simple and easy is important to us and in a challenging rental market something this small can become a deciding factor for a tenant to make an application.
By making the most of our advanced technology we can offer convenience to our tenants, peace of mind to our landlords and a simple rent collection process for our agency. Our cloud-based software allows the process from tenant payment to landlord disbursement to be seamless and effortless. .
We uphold strong values and believe all clients and customers deserve an outstanding experience. We put your best interests first.